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The 7 Principles Of Interior Design

Having solid principles in place helps to define any project


Photo: ABI Interiors (

Having solid principles in place helps to define any project. This is where the principles of design come into play: balance, unity, rhythm, emphasis, contrast, scale and proportion, and details.

These standards have been created to help achieve harmonious interiors that convey character.

“Unity, for example, combines all your interior design elements to unify rather than alienate your space…It’s all about creating cohesion through a common theme or design,” says ABI Interiors.

“Contrast is one of the most powerful of the seven interior design principles. It’s the perfect way to add intrigue to a space that could otherwise become mundane. It plays to the strengths of pitting together opposites to establish its power.”

Arming you with everything you need to know to create the perfect home, we explore each of the essential 7 principles of design in detail on the ABI Interiors website.